Upgrade your existing curricula
to result-oriented
tailor-made accelerator!
The efficiency is measured by the number of changes in the business.
Redesign of acceleration programs
We convert lecture-based accelerators to result-oriented tailor-made programs
Management of acceleration programs
We lead programs, which we designed in order to deliver the expected results
Education for program managers
We are open to train your internal team to use our methodologies
Why do I need to upgrade my program?
An accelerator is a product - if the value proposition is weak, startups don't really pay
with their time and equity.
  • 80% of lectures and 20% of mentorship
    Or 80% of mentorship and 20% of lectures - it doesn't matter. Actually, both, mentorship and lectures are theoretical tools, if the founder doesn't have a specific request to leverage efforts to make changes in his point of growth. And usually, founders don't know it.
  • 100+ mentors in the network - how to measure the qualification?
    Most of the accelerators focus on expanding their network of mentors, focusing on the number of experts. But then it comes to the point when you have to connect founders with experts - but how to understand which expert will be the most effective for the founder's business right now?
  • The effectiveness of the program is measured by $ fundraised by alumni
    Investors invest in the founding team and the potential of the market. And accelerators help founders to pack the business, connecting them to the network of VC. For this service, they charge 3-10% of the equity, which seems like an intermediary business, not an acceleration of the startup.
  • Program managers are responsible for the program effectiveness
    There are accelerators, where program managers have an administrative role, and there are those, where they are responsible for the success of the program (in most cases it's a mix) - but even though they have to act as entrepreneur-in-residence, in reality, most of them don't have entrepreneurial experience and don't have relevant tools to work with entrepreneurs.
  • Generic curricula, not relevant to industry specifics
    Common curricula are used by most of the accelerators: Lean Canvas (70% use it), and Customer Development (20%), and there are corporate accelerators, adjusting startups to the b2b requirements. But most of the existing curricula are generic and ignore the real needs of the startups, focusing on the process of the program, instead of changes in the businesses.
  • Churn rate of participants is high and NPS is low
    As programs are too generic, really strong teams decide to quit, even though they have a request for support. Yes, they might stay till the end as you promised them some investments, but what is their real execution, how many hypotheses they are checking weekly? How many of them don't imitate the business burning investors' money, but really grew up to finance the development?
Some of our cases
Our products
Design of the acceleration program
Most of the startup programs are not efficient. And efficiency has to be measured by the number of changes in the business, which influences the sales result. Using growth coaching methodology we can make a tailor-made result-oriented program.
Management of the acceleration program
The focus - the speed - the result. These are key words that should be the core line inside the program. And we are ready, not only to design this but also to take responsibility to deliver the result of such a program.
Education for program managers
Program managers don't have a methodology to be able to work with startups from different industries and with maturity levels. In the course we fix this disbalance and provide program managers with tools, helping them to act as "entrepreneurs-in-residence".
Let's schedule a call
Each project is very specific - we are happy to discuss your goals and how we can help you!
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Articles about growth coaching
Some of the articles to explain the mindset and tools
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Work Space Křižovatka s.r.o.
Address: Václavské náměstí 806/62, Nové Město,
110 00 Prague, Czech Republic
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